aloha jenerick iz da name, dis blog iz about anything and everything in da not so interesting life of me. i am werking on seeing through people (radiographer), constantly in da pursuit of happyness, likes to attempt playing da guitar and piano, my taste budz do not discriminate against most flavors, thinks photographs are just simply amazing and i like da number odds...........shaka \m/.

most images are downloaded from da internet with no intentions of making any financial gains.

Aug 31, 2010


i've been granted da serenity to accept da things i cannot change,
courage to change da things i can, and da wisdom to know da difference,
patience for da things dat take time,
appreciation for all dat we have, and tolerance for those wit different struggles,
freedom to live beyond da limitations of our past ways,
the ability to feel love for ourselves and everyone else,
and the strength to get up and try again even wen we feel it is hopeless. - reinhold niebuhr

Aug 30, 2010

feeling gratitude and not expressing
it is like wrapping a present and not
giving it.
- william arthur ward

so sad ) :

Aug 29, 2010

with or without god, u should want to be a gud person in life.......regardless!!!

Aug 26, 2010

an excerpt from tuesdays with morrie

morrie said. "everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody believes it."

"the truth is, mitch," he said, "once you learn how
to die, you learn how to live."
i nodded.
"i'm going to say it again," he said. "once you learn
how to die, you learn how to live." he smiled, and i
realized what he was doing. he was making sure i ab-
sorbed this point, without embarrassing me by asking. it
was part of what made him a good teacher.
did you think much about death before you got sick,
i asked.
"no." morrie smiled. "i was like everyone else. i
once told a friend of mine, in a moment of exuberance,
'i'm gonna be the healthiest old man you ever met!' "
how old were you?
"in my sixties."
so you were optimistic.
"why not? like i said, no one really believes they're
going to die."
but everyone knows someone who has died, i said.
why is it so hard to think about dying?
"because," morrie continued, "most of us all walk
around as if we're sleepwalking. we really don't experi-
ence the world fully, because we're half-asleep, doing
things we automatically think we have to do."
and facing death changes all that?
"oh, yes. you strip away all that stuff and you focus
on the essentials. when you realize you are going to die,
you see everything much differently.
he sighed. "learn how to die, and you learn how to

Aug 23, 2010

hug freely ( :

da past can only define u if u keep buying
into it. my advice is: invest in da present
moment if u want to be free.
- unknown
first day of class today, can't wait to meet new faces ( :

Aug 19, 2010

wen life gets difficult.......jus keep swimming, jus keep swimming, jus keep swimming.

rest easy grow black hair

got sum errands done, got my daily power nap, had a gud run, had a gud dinner. bout to jus veg out watch sum tv and read a book. gonna need all da energy for tomorrow. an early morning round of golf den werk.

devote yurself to creating something dat
gives you purpose and meaning.
- morrie schwartz

Aug 18, 2010

i would give da world a milliion times
over jus to see yur pretty face.......again.

Aug 12, 2010

inked second sesh

getting sum ink done today. more outlining wit da addition of shading, fill ins and da colours red, black and grey.

in da world, there is tons dat you and i will
never see. in da full coloured spectrum,
the eyes of the human cannot see
the immense majority - jarrod m. bailey

Aug 11, 2010

i like being alone, but i hate being lonely.

Aug 10, 2010

jus a thought.....

so i played golf dis mornen. i had on dis bright surfshorts wit da hawaiian flag printed across it in its original colors (red, yellow, green). after playing da second hole, there were these little old ladies in golf karts dat decided to comment on dem. one of dem sed dat she couldn't see or notice me wit those surfshorts.......obviously she was jus being sarcastic. i gave her a hahaha laugh n didn't know quite how to reply back. after a few par runs and couple bogeys my group met up wit dem again on da eighth hole. we were waiting to tee up n they had jus finished up the seventh hole. jus as i finished my mexican beer they rushed up in their kart right behind us jus under da shade of a coconut tree. feeling a bit buzzed, i noticed dem ladies were having fun so i walked over to dem and started a convo. i sed "hi" n asked dem how their golf game was going they sed "great" and it helped dat they was under da shade on dat hot day.

of course they asked how my golf game was going and i sed meh! me wanting to know more i asked how often they played, one lady replied she's been playing for 30 yrs now and dat there was nothing like playing golf on da island of maui. i replied dat it was gud thing dat they were still playing golf as i glanced at every wrinkle on their faces. somehow dat convo went on to reveal both the old ladies ages, one was 85 n the other a month from turning 90. whoa.......(disc scratch) wat??? i was very surprised. i went and told dat lovely 89 yr old lady dat wen i'm 89 i wish to still be playing golf and jus as beautiful as she was.

here i am thinking i'm old, kinda goes to show dat there is still plenny of life left n i jus witness proof of it. so live, laugh, love and go play.

earlier i mentioned my group. everyone seemed to be werking today and i was off so i went to play by myself. i ended up getting grouped wit three mexicans dat knew a little english, but conversed in their native tongue still. from da first tee it was clear dat they was there to hack da golf ball to death. boy was it gonna be a long day. they didn't know how to hold da golf club.......nuff sed. after each hole they kept track of their score mentioning every number from six through twelve in spanish (clearly jus my assumption) no espanol. somehow i found my way in helping dem mexicans who has jus started playing da game. through each hole i gave dem little tips and basic knowledge of da course, how to grip yur hands in order to hold da club da right way and a few pointers on how to putt as well.

they offered me a ride on da golf kart, but i sed no thanks i'll keep walking cuz it's gud for da heart. as we kept playing you could see da smile on their faces knowing dat they were playing golf da proper way and had sum sense of da game by making shots/putts here and there. knowledge.........if u hav it, share it cuz you never know how it can put a smile on someones face or gain you a new friend (a buried life of mines is to try make a new friend everyday). knowledge.........if you don't hav it, do watever it takes to get it period

Aug 5, 2010

if you judge a book by its cover,
you might jus miss out on dis.......

Aug 2, 2010

what inspires you?

protect yur dreams

whenever they say it can't be done,
remind dem dat they make a jellybean dat
tastes exactly like popcorn
- john mayer