aloha jenerick iz da name, dis blog iz about anything and everything in da not so interesting life of me. i am werking on seeing through people (radiographer), constantly in da pursuit of happyness, likes to attempt playing da guitar and piano, my taste budz do not discriminate against most flavors, thinks photographs are just simply amazing and i like da number odds...........shaka \m/.

most images are downloaded from da internet with no intentions of making any financial gains.

Jul 8, 2010

year and a half of worth.......two more to goal

from spring, summer, fall 09 to spring 10 i rarely went out and turned down numerous alcoholic beverages jus to stay on a path i thought i wouldn't be able to reach. did i get there but i'm closer to it then i was at the start of 09. through dat time period i accumulated a lot of knowledge i probably won't ever use again non the less i'll hav most of it with me for da rest of my life somehow. if homewerk, quizzes and tests released sweat, this would be all da hard werk and time i had done all bottled up in a jar. at da start of it all if someone told me that i would achieve seven a's wit two more to go, i would hav sed possible but unlikely. it's dat possibility dat got me focused and ready for da challenge. wat i was able to achieve at vfs from 07 to 08 gave me da confidence i needed as well.

hard werk and determination really does pay off. wat i continue to learn iz dat anything iz possible if you set yur mind towards a goal. two more to goal, two more to goal, two more to goal.