aloha jenerick iz da name, dis blog iz about anything and everything in da not so interesting life of me. i am werking on seeing through people (radiographer), constantly in da pursuit of happyness, likes to attempt playing da guitar and piano, my taste budz do not discriminate against most flavors, thinks photographs are just simply amazing and i like da number odds...........shaka \m/.

most images are downloaded from da internet with no intentions of making any financial gains.

Aug 31, 2010


i've been granted da serenity to accept da things i cannot change,
courage to change da things i can, and da wisdom to know da difference,
patience for da things dat take time,
appreciation for all dat we have, and tolerance for those wit different struggles,
freedom to live beyond da limitations of our past ways,
the ability to feel love for ourselves and everyone else,
and the strength to get up and try again even wen we feel it is hopeless. - reinhold niebuhr