aloha jenerick iz da name, dis blog iz about anything and everything in da not so interesting life of me. i am werking on seeing through people (radiographer), constantly in da pursuit of happyness, likes to attempt playing da guitar and piano, my taste budz do not discriminate against most flavors, thinks photographs are just simply amazing and i like da number odds...........shaka \m/.

most images are downloaded from da internet with no intentions of making any financial gains.

Jul 17, 2010

as we all know running can be really healthy for da mind and body. though running a lot can also take a toll on yur body. so i decided to give myself a rest on thursday and not run at all. friday da day after which was my real day of rest. i took dat opportunity to recharge my body and head out to hana with da spencers.

first things was to go and meet my friend at his house friday morning. there we would all jump in a single car and head out to hana. so i get there early friday and who did i see.....isabelle, my friends 3 month old baby. she cried at first wen she first saw me and den suddenly coming to an abrupt hault as if she was faking her cry. me and her mom was kinda joking around in dat she cried because she wasn't used to seeing brown people.

beer check, camera check.......jus a few things we needed for da trip. off we went, first stop bamboo forest. i must say we did get lost because we decided to go off course and make our own trail. we did get back on course and made it to the waterfall.

a visit to the bamboo forest turned out to be an adventure in hana, full of fresh and salt water. next stop blue pool, this was the saddest part of da trip. blue pool.....a place so majestic and serene has become non existent. a cancerous death slowly picking apart its life and beauty. thanks to greed we can no longer enjoy da kid inside all of us. life isn't fair sometimes, wen water companies controlled by rich haoles eager to make a buck at our expense, by sucking da life of our streams. water is jus as vital to humans as it is to our natural fresh water streams. i just don't understand how they can do such things. it is sort like hey, let me take wat you own here (water) which belongs to da people of da land and sell dat back to u. i say fuck u to dat.......image below.

honomanu bay was second den wainapanapa was next and this time the caves still existed with fresh cold water in it.......oh so soothing on a hot day. this was followed by a swim in black sand beach, a bomb sesh of a rock in da middle of da ocean and a hike along lava tubes.

hamoa beach was da last stop of our adventurous day as we were one with its shore breaks, but not before stopping by hana ranch store. a day full of adventure needs to be recharged wit sum chili rice wit mayo and fresh poke.......yummy in my tummy sang my belly.