aloha jenerick iz da name, dis blog iz about anything and everything in da not so interesting life of me. i am werking on seeing through people (radiographer), constantly in da pursuit of happyness, likes to attempt playing da guitar and piano, my taste budz do not discriminate against most flavors, thinks photographs are just simply amazing and i like da number odds...........shaka \m/.

most images are downloaded from da internet with no intentions of making any financial gains.

Jul 2, 2010


jus redesigned my blog hoping to put more time into it. life's an adventure where ideas become tangible and thoughts keep you guessing. i went from a designers state of mind to a transparent (mindset)-me wanting to become a radiographer, which would let me live da lifestyle dat i wanted. well i get there?.....i don't know, but i'm greatful for my third or fourth chance if there ever is that many in life. i am willing to accept failure in order for success, guess that's what life is all about.......taking chances.

warning: i do know how to spell, but i just don't care to be proper.